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COVID-19 in Peel

As we take strides to recovery, continue to protect yourself and others from 坚果加速器官网下载. Wash your hands, maintain physical distance, wear a mask when you can't maintain 2 metres, and get tested if you're sick. Check our list of 小黑盒加速器—告别高延迟,畅玩海外游戏 - · 小黑盒加速器,告别高延迟,畅玩海外游戏。全面支持绝地求生、DOTA2、刀塔自走棋、Steam、彩虹六号、CSGO、GTA、Apex、LOL英雄联盟、H1Z1、堡垒之夜、NBA、方舟、圣歌、看门狗、战地1、战地5、战舰世界、无限法则、暗黑破坏神3、怪物猎人世界 ....

  • Waste collection and calendars
  • Water, wastewater bills and payments
  • Health services
  • Children's services
  • Financial help
  • TransHelp

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Serving close to 1.5 million residents and more than 175,000 businesses in Brampton, Caledon and Mississauga. Indigenous acknowledgement.

Stay connected. Join over 120,000 Peel residents who have signed-up for Connect to Peel. 坚果加速器官网下载

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Our services impact the lives of residents every day.

Nursing during COVID 19. Darryl shares a behind-the-scenes, eye-opening look inside Sheridan Villa's Supportive Care Unit.

Watch his story

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Business reopening toolkits

We’ve created posters and checklists to help you protect everyone in your workplace during COVID-19



We're working with providers to ensure everyone's health and safety

Considering home improvements?

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Mobile pop-up testing centre in Peel

Going into the community to test people in high-risk workplaces and other outbreak settings.


Planning Peel Region's plan for recovery from COVID-19

As we continue to respond to the pandemic, we're preparing for recovery.

The Core Four actions to overcome COVID-19 in Peel

Steps to stay safe, rebuild our economy and help communities thrive.

Peel Art Gallery, Museum and Archive

Simon Hughes Works: 2001-2023

Take a 360° tour of the artistic preoccupations of Winnipeg-based Simon Hughes.

View the exhibit

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